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Nowhere to Go

An elderly Iraqi man lives alone with his wife at their neighbour's home.

Alif has no refugee status and his foot condition requires medical care, both of which prevent him from working. As of September 12, 2014, they were evicted from their home because they couldn't keep up with their rent. Alif’s health got worse in a short amount of time, and doctors were recommending amputation, but he opted out for a natural treatment instead. Jobless, homeless, and with poor health conditions, what originally was a way out of their own country to safety and security became a huge burden of one worry after the other.

“We are here by ourselves, and there is no where to go.”

But they weren’t helpless: a very generous neighbour shared his home with them.

Then, Alif applied to NZF. Alhamdulillah, through the help of his community and our donors’ support, NZF as able to assist Alif with his rent debts and the cost of his health treatments.

With your continued support, we are working hard and supporting them till this day Alhamdulillah. Please continue to help them so that NZF can support their needs and expenses until they can get back on their feet.

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