zakat papers

Exploring the Significance of Zakat

Zakat research is the study of the Islamic practice of charity and its history, meaning, and significance. It looks into the various forms of zakat, from the obligatory zakat that is to be given each year to voluntary donations, as well as its role in the Muslim community.
A Fiqhi Analysis on the Payment of Zakat al Fitr
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A Fiqhi Analysis on the Payment of Zakat al Fitr

The method of distributing Zakat al-Fitr is a debate that resurfaces every single year. The opinion of the Maliki, Shafee and Hanbali schools is that it must be paid in food and any other way would be sinful and not accepted. The Hanafi school of thought and a few other scholars such as Al-Hasan Al-Basri and Umar Ibn Abdulaziz were of the view that it can be paid in value. Others have said that it can only be paid in value in the case of need or if it is in the best interest of the needy. This paper will aim at going through the evidence for each opinion and their validity. This paper will also discuss the use of gift cards as a method of payment. This has become more common nowadays and some institutions have started using them as a method of distributing Zakat al-Fitr. Is this a new concept permissible as a method of distribution? These will be the main topics discussed in this paper.
A portrait of a young woman smiling.
Candice Wu
11 Jan 2022
5 min read
Zakat on Jewelry
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Zakat on Jewelry

Zakat is a tremendously important obligation as it is the third Pillar of Islam. Being a major pillar in our religion communicates to us how instrumental it is in this world. Zakat provides countless communal, social, and spiritual benefits that can only be reaped through fulfilling this obligation.
A portrait of a young woman smiling.
Candice Wu
11 Jan 2022
5 min read
Zakat on Real Estate
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Zakat on Real Estate

Zakat is the third pillar out of the 5 pillars of Islam. When we look into the Quran, we find that Allah has linked the command of performing prayer and paying Zakat in over 20 places. One of the wisdoms behind this is to emphasize the importance of paying Zakat. Just as Prayer is a fundamental part of our faith, so is Zakat. Those that are negligent of this responsibility are deemed as having committed a major sin in the sight of Allah (SWT).
A portrait of a young woman smiling.
Candice Wu
11 Jan 2022
5 min read