Hacene Chebbani
February 21, 2024
Zakat is the third pillar of Islam after the Shahada, and it is mentioned more than 30 times in the Holy Quran. There are two types of Zakat that Allah has obligated upon the Muslims. Zakat al-Maal and Zakat al-Fitr. Our main discussion in this paper is Zakat al-Fitr. Some of the scholars have said that this pillar was prescribed in the second year after migration.
The literal meaning of Zakat is to increase and grow. When it is said about a person, it means to improve, to become better. Consequently, Zakat is blessing, growth, cleanliness, and betterment. The more technical meaning is purification. In Shari'ah the word Zakat refers to“the determined share of wealth prescribed by God to be distributed among deserving categories. It is also used to mean the action of payment of this share”. Here, to give Zakat implies purifying your wealth and soul by giving a portion of your wealth to those in need every year at the end of the month of Ramadan.
Zakat al-Fitr is an obligatory Sadaqah paid by all Muslims before Eid al-Fitr. It is a mandatory charity due on every Muslim regardless of age or gender as long as they have the means to fulfill this requirement. Ibn Umar (Radia Allahu Anhu) reported that the Messenger of Allah (salla Allahu alaihi wa sallam) made Zakat al-Fitr compulsory on every slave, freeman, male, female, young and old among the Muslims, one saa’ of dried dates or one saa’ of barley. The measurement of saa’ is a measure of volume that was mainly used in Madinah and it equals four Mudd. Each Mudd is the equivalent of two hands full next to each other. It is important to note that the measurement of a saa’ is not agreed upon. The scholars of Hijaz see it as being equal to five and one third Ratl. The scholars of Iraq estimate it as being equal to eight Ratl. There is unanimous consensus by all the scholars of its obligation. Imam Ibn Al-Mundhir, may Allah have mercy on him, said: “And they (the scholars) are unanimously agreed that Sadaqat al-Fitr is obligatory, and they are unanimously agreed that Sadaqat al-Fitr is obligatory for a person, if he is able to pay it on behalf of himself, and his children”.
There is a difference of opinion between the scholars as to the method of payment. There are three opinions:
The first group which is the majority of the Muslim scholars, including Imam Malik, Imam AsShafie, and Imam Ahmed, believe that Zakat al-Fitr has to be paid in the form of staple food items. Paying it in any other method than this would be impermissible and invalid. Imam Ibn Qudamah, may God have mercy on him, said: “The value is not sufficient, because it deviates from the original text”7. Al-Nawawi said: “It is not acceptable to pay the cash value of Zakat al-Fitr in our view. This was also the view of Maalik, Ahmad and Ibn al-Mundhir”.
1. Ibn Umar (Radia Allahu Anhu) reported that the Messenger of Allah (salla Allahu alaihi wasallam) made Zakat al-Fitr compulsory on every slave, freeman, male, female, young and oldamong the Muslims, one saa’ of dried dates or one saa’ of barley”.
2. Abu Sa’eed alkhudri (Radia Allahu Anhu) said: “we used to give Zakat al-Fitr in the amount of one saa’ of dates, or one saa’ of barely, or one saa’ of cheese, or one saa’ of raisins”.
The second group believe that it is permissible to pay Zakat al-Fitr in value. Among them are the Hanafi scholars, and it is the opinion of al-Hassan al-Basri, Sufian at Thawri, and Umar bin Abdul Aziz who made it a state policy during his reign. It was also attributed to Ash-hab and Ibn al-Qasim from the Maliki School of law. This is also the opinion of many contemporary scholars such as Sheikh al-Qaradawi may Allah have mercy on him, Sheikh Salah As-Sawi and the Assembly of Muslim Jurists in America.
1. Al-Imam al-Bukhari has agreed with the Hanafi scholars on this matter. He dedicated chapter (33) [Zakat may be paid in kind or value] for this matter within the Book of Zakat. He included a chapter in his Saheeh entitled “Zakat in Kind or Value”, in which Tawoos related that Mua’th (Radia Allahu Anhu) said to the people of Yemen, “Bring me charity inkind: clothing instead of barely and grain. It will be easier for you and more beneficial for the Prophet’s companions in Madina”.
2. It was also the view of Abu Ishaaq al-Subaie, one of the most knowledgeable of the Taabe’een. Abu Ishaaq says, "I attended their (the predecessors) paying of the Zakat o fRamadan in dirhams”. This proves the permissibility of distributing Zakat based on its value.
3. The objective of paying Zakat al-Fitr is to fulfill the needs of the poor and the needy. We get this from the hadith, “Free the poor people from the burden of asking on such a day(eid)”. Even though the hadith is classified as weak, however the meaning is understood to be the ‘illa or the main reason for Zakat al-Fitr. This fulfillment may be achieved by giving them staple food items or their value from another kind.
4. There is no explicit evidence prohibiting giving this Zakat in the form of cash. The opinion of the first group of scholars is relying mainly on following the practice of the Prophet (sallaAllahu alaihi wa sallam) and his companions during the early days of Islam.
5. The application of the first opinion is not very practical and can lead to inefficiency.
The third opinion is a middle path between the first two opinions, and it is the opinion of Shaykh al Islam Ibn Taymiyyah. He said that it is only permissible if need arises, or there is a clear benefit for the recipient while observing the concept of justice and fairness. He confirmed that this is another opinion in the Hanbali School of law.
One of the ways governments and organizations try to make Zakat al-Fitr distribution easier is by collecting cash from each household and then purchasing staple food and distributing it to the needy. For those who follow the first opinion which is giving Zakat as a staple food, there is no problem in doing this because the organization takes the position of a wakeel which basically makes them as representative agents for them. The individual would have to make sure that the organization is trustworthy, and he would make his intention when giving theZakat to the organization. This was practiced in the early days of Islam when Islam spread, and the number of Muslims increased. It was narrated that Umar Ibn Abd Al Aziz would take half a dirham from all the salary owners at his time.
There are three opinions when it comes to the method of distribution of Zakat al-Fitr. The first and the majority opinion is that it can only be distributed as staple food. The second opinion says that it can be distributed in the form of food or its value. The third opinion says that the method will depend on what is better and more beneficial for the poor and needy.
The second of part of this paper will be discussing the concept of giving gift cards as Zakat al-Fitr. It will discuss the definition, the ruling, proofs, and some of the benefits.
One of the payment methods for Zakat al-Fitr that is being discussed these days is the method of giving gift cards instead of food or cash. The definition can vary depending on how it is categorized. In this paper we are not referring to pre-paid credit cards that are issued by financial institutions. Gift cards are a type of stored-value payment card issued by retailers that are preloaded with a specific value for future purchases. Sheikh Joe Bradford defines them as being “certificates that are honoured upon presentation by the single merchant or affiliated group of merchants for goods or services. This purchase of this card creates an obligation on or a promise from a merchant or group of merchants to provide goods or services at a future date. These cards represent the obligation to provide goods and services up to the cash value originally purchased but are not in themselves same as cash". We can see from the above definition that these gift cards are not considered as money. This is an important distinction because it plays a role in some of the fiqhi rulings regarding the use of it.
There is some confusion amongst people regarding the permissibility of the use of gift cards and more specifically as a method of distributing Zakat. Under the same premise of the second opinion of distributing Zakat al-Fitr in value, there should be no issue with giving gift cards as a substitute for cash. It is important to note that the gift cards should be for a vendor that sells staple foods or items of necessities. This will eliminate the possibility of it being used to purchase luxurious of unnecessary items.
Below are the proofs for the permissibility of distributing Zakat al-Fitr as gift cards.
1. The default in non-worship transactions is permissibility. This is a rule that the scholars of the principles of Islamic Jurisprudence have agreed upon. This means that any action that is not an act of worship is permissible unless there is evidence from the sharia to say otherwise.
2. The use of certificates to represent value is a concept that goes back to the times of the Sahabah may Allah be pleased with them. It is narrated in the book of transaction in the Muwataa of Imam Malik that,
i. In this narration we see that certificates were used during the times of the Sahaba, and they Never disapproved the use of them. They only had a problem with the way they were being sold in the market, not the use of them. By analogy we can see that gift cards are very similar in nature to the sukuk mentioned in the narration.
3. All the proofs that were discussed in the second opinion would apply here as this would go under the category of value.
1. Combining between all three opinions: Using gift cards as a method of distributing Zakat al-Fitr can almost be considered a reconciliation between all three opinions. That is because when a gift card that was issued by a supermarket is given to the needy person, they can go to the market and purchase the food that will alleviate their need for the day of Eid. At the same time, they can get other things that they might need that day. This is better for the needy person because they can decide for themselves what is best for them to enjoy Eid with their family which is the main objective of this Zakat.
2. It is much easier for organizations and charities to purchase and distribute gift cards to the needy instead of purchasing the food themselves. Doing this will avoid the challenges that were mentioned earlier and benefit both the giver and the receiver.
3. Meeting CRA requirements: One of the challenges that charitable organizations face is the strict CRA requirements. Distributing cash to people is a big challenge because there needs to be receipts for each distribution and this becomes a logistical nightmare. Purchasing gift cards avoids this problem and makes the process much simpler and more accountable.
4. The fact that the needy is receiving a “gift” makes it much more acceptable and comforting for the receiving person. Receiving cash can have a somewhat humiliating effect and the Sharia always aims at protecting the honour and dignity of the Muslim.
The opinion of the majority of the Muslim scholars is that Zakat al-Fitr must be given to the poor and needy as food, however the evidence shows that distributing Zakat al-Fitr in value is valid and is a better option than food. Using this opinion one can also derive the validity of the use of gift cards as a valid method of distributing Zakat al-Fitr as well. Furthermore, it can also be viewed as an excellent option since it brings more benefit to both the organization distributing the Zakat as well as the person receiving it.
Allah knows best
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